Connecting Stakeholders to Boost
Sustainable Development

New Chapter Published: Exploring Trust in Water Management and Disaster Risk Policies

I am delighted to share our latest publication related to trust and geopolitics in an uncertain world, now available online! This new chapter delves into the critical role of trust in fostering effective water management and disaster risk reduction policies.

Local and national efforts to implement water management strategies often depend on cooperation, robust social networks, and generalized trust. Multi-level governance, supported by institutionalized frameworks, enables multi-stakeholder collaboration, ensuring the success of such initiatives. Trust emerges as a cornerstone for action and policy implementation. However, the rise of antagonisms, conflicts, or divided interests poses significant challenges. Crises and conflicts can derail cooperation and hinder progress.

This chapter examines how trust can be leveraged as a pivotal factor in moving beyond conflicts and mitigating potential crises. It specifically applies this lens to water management and disaster risk management in local contexts. By addressing trust as an often-overlooked parameter, the chapter offers new insights into building resilience and fostering dialogue in challenging environments.

We invite you to explore this thought-provoking analysis on the intersections of trust, conflicts, crisis management, and sustainable water governance. Join the conversation on Trust, conflicts and cooperation. 

Keywords: trust, conflicts, crisis management, water resources, dialogue, risk management.

You can access the whole article here:



Sustainable cities

Gender Equality

Governance & Dialogue

Peace Stability

is an independent initiative that connects global stakeholders active in Pilot development initiatives in the areas of Climate, Cities, Governance, Conflicts/Stability, the Environment and more generally the implementation of SDGs including Gender Equality.

Co-funded by EU

This project is co-funded by the European Union


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